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Curly Goat Ranch
Nestled in the beautiful mountains of Prescott, Arizona
The "curly" goats of Curly Goat Ranch are Angora goats that grow mohair which is considered a luxury fiber for it's strength and amazing luster.
Angora goats were the primary grazing animal here in Yavapai County from the late 1800's to the early 1940's.
The primary use of for mohair at that time was automotive upholstery. When the auto manufacturers switched to synthetic material the demand tanked and the herds were disbanded.
The land that Curly Goat Ranch is on used to be part of the old Tenney Ranch that ran Angora goats in that era.
In addition to the the Angora goats Curly Goat Ranch is also home to to a small herd of Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats chosen specifically from top producing goats across the country.
At it's most basic level, the property is a 32 acre experiment in regenerative agriculture, utilizing grazing animals to reduce fire fuel (brush) on the property, while increasing the water holding capacity of the soil. All this while creating mohair fiber, natural skin care products and soil amendments in the process.
The bigger vision includes a preservation orchard with traditional full size trees and heirloom varieties that are drought tolerant and stand the test time for the next generation to enjoy. This will provide habitat for pollinators and wildlife along with an inviting food forest for the community.
I hope you'll join me on this journey to reconnect with nature in what ever way is relevant to your own path.
Much love,
Donna Trigilio